THIS WEBSITE IS BEYOND WIP IM VERY NEW im saving this info here in the html as reference for laters

This is a sample scrolling text that has scrolls texts to left.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text. Mark these words. Do you know the nickname of Mr. Bean?

This is all about India, which is a developing country having the second largest population.

This is an example of scripting.

Press ctrl+c to copy.

Color change using Hex value
Color change using color name Font style Example 1.
Font style Example 2. Here font size is 7 which is highest
Here font size is 6
Here font size is 5
Here font size is 4
Here font size is 3
Here font size is 2
Here font size is 1 which is lowest
Column1 Heading Column2 Heading
Column1 in Row1 Column2 in Row1
Column1 in Row2 Column2 in Row2


Check out blenis!

If the page or image you're referring to is already in your Neocities web directory, you can call it by its filename: for example, index.html or cat.png. Otherwise, use full URLs like this:


  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item


